Estherjoy Mungai

Estherjoy (Est) Mungai is a Community Organizer. Prior to joining LDF, Est worked as an Associate Organizer with the Charleston Area Justice Ministry (CAJM) from 2015-2018. At CAJM, Est worked with clergy and community leaders of diverse congregations across the Charleston area. Est organized a research committee focusing on racial discrimination in policing practices, empowering hundreds of community members to share their stories, research best practices, then turn out thousands of people to direct action assemblies to negotiate and hold public officials accountable to implement those practices. Est successfully organized that research committee to win a commitment from Charleston City Council to contract an independent police auditor with qualified experience to conduct a racial bias audit of all police department policies and practices. Est also participated in, then conducted, local and national trainings with the Direct Action and Research Training Center (DART), training hundreds of people from over 20 cities to develop the skills and capacity to win policy changes in their communities. Est completed the Public Allies DC leadership and professional development apprenticeship in 2015 and graduated from Loras College in 2014 where she double majored in Politics and Sociology.

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